

Oppsalhjemmet is located at Oppsal, a suburb situated in the eastern part of Oslo and part of Østensjø city district. The population of Oppsal is increasing, and Østensjøs population grew with 11, 9% from 2000 to 2010. Today there are approximately 47 000 inhabitants in the city district. The composition of the population is average for Oslo, although there are a slightly higher number of seniors. Oppsalhjemmet is situated centrally in Oppsal, close to the metro station that serves the area. The building itself is from 1975 with a total gross area is 7236 m2, and has seven floors consisting of residential senior homes with care facilities and an activity center. Today 152 seniors have Oppsalhjemmet as their home . The energy performance of the building today is 358,1 kWh/m² , the ambition is an energy efficient retrofitting that will cut the energy demand of the building by 68%.

My Smart City District project: ZenN

Visit the project website for more information



Økern nursing home was built in 1975 with a flooring of 9357m2 and contains 140 dwellings for senior citizens. Økern nursing home is located in Bjerke city district in Oslo.

The demonstration case is one out for four buildings that are connected to each other. The other buildings were renovated 2000-2010. The buildings are inhabited by seniors and there is a senior activity center in connection to the building. The nursing home is in operation 24/7 and is a working environment of the staff and a home for 140 senior residents. The energy consumption today is approximately 329, 7 kWh/m², the ambition is to cut the energy demand by 68% to 110 kWh/m². The project also includes establishing Norway’s largest building integrated PV-system to deliver 10 kWh/m².

My Smart City District project: ZenN

Visit the project website for more information